Wills, Probates and Estates
One of the most important reasons for making a will is that it gives an individual the power to devolve his or her property by means of a legal document which clearly outlines that individual’s intention. Without a will property passes under the rules of intestacy which then govern how the property should be divided.

Regan Law
Key Aspects Of Our Wills, Probate and Estates Services
Making a will allows a person provide for the specific needs of family members such as young children, it also can assist in ensuring that only a minimum amount of tax is paid by the various beneficiaries.
Where a person dies without having made a will the administration of the estate is governed by the rules of intestacy under the Succession Act, 1965. We have experience in dealing with this type of situation and are fully qualified to advise accordingly.
When drafting a will we provide advice in the following areas;
- Spouses and Children’s rights
- Appointment of Guardians
- Appointment of Executors
- Creation of Trusts
- Appointment of Trustees
- Tax planning
- Advice regarding specific bequests
The death of a family member can be an extremely distressing time and dealing with the administration of an estate can prove quite daunting. It is usual that a Grant of Probate be issued from the Probate Office in advance releasing the deceased’s assets.
Regan Solicitors deal with all types of estates and we ensure that matters are dealt with in a sympathetic and efficient matter.
Key areas of our Probate practice include.
- Advising Personal Representatives on their roles and responsibilities
- Filing forms with the Probate Office
- Completing Inland Revenue Affidavits
- Liaising with financial institutions
- Ascertaining assets and liabilities
- Valuing properties
- Advising on any foreign assets
- Advising on tax implications which may arise
Make an Enquiry
If you have any legal questions or concerns, we invite you to make an enquiry. Our team of experienced solicitors is here to help you navigate through any legal matters you may be facing.